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건강하고 행복한 100세 시대를 위해 경제 재테크와 외국어 공부방 😂
원어민이 아니면 쓰기 힘든 세련된 강조 표현. 본문
1. I (have a soft spot for) my daughter. (나는 딸 아이 앞에서는 마음이 약해져)
~를 무척 좋아하다/ ~에 약하다
- I have to admit, I have to soft spot for the Rolling Stones.
- Larry has a soft spot for animals.
- And I have a soft spot for single moms, having been raised by one.
2. There was unprecedented success. 휘트니 휴스턴의 전례 없는 성공
unprecedented: 전례 없는, 전에 없던
never having happened or existed in the past.
- He faced the unprecedented challenge.
3. Clive really has a weakness for artists.
It all stems from that authentic love of music.
stem from ~에서 유래하다/비롯하다
4. faux :가짜의, 인조의 not real, but made to look or seem real
- Many of these faux fur garments are so authentic-looking that you cannot tell the difference.
Vegan 동물성 식품의 전혀 먹지 않은 엄격한 채식주의자
Vegan leather and faux leather are the same thing essentially a fake 'leather' material that does not use animal skin
5. before you know it (너가 알아차리기도 전에) 금방, 곧, 순식간에 very soon
Don't worry. It'll be over before you know it.
I don't know if i can do this, man. It'll be over before you know it.
It's only overnight. We'll be back before you know it (엄마,아빠가 애기한태 자주 쓰는 표현)
Before you know it, you are gonna have a very, very significant problem.
6. as soon as도 괜찮지만
the second/ the minute 주어+동사
- I'll call you the second I'm done 끝나자 마자 바로 전화할게.
7. Strong word 강조하는 걸 좋아하는 네이티브지만 특히 상대가 예민한 단어를 쓸 때 자주 써요.
어감이 센/조심히 써야되는 단어
A: I hate how he tries to micromanage us.
B: Hate is a strong word. I think he is just looking out for us.
- Well, total is a strong word.(total 완전 까지는 아니고요)
- "perfect.." It's such a strong word. Maybe "adequate" 적당한,충분한
- Never is a strong word. never (절대)는 함부로 쓰기 힘든 센 표현
'유용한 고급 영어표현과 패턴익히기' 카테고리의 다른 글
원어민 유용한 표현 2탄 100가지 (3) | 2021.06.02 |
원어민들이 많이 쓰는 필수 영어표현 (0) | 2021.05.25 |
원어민이 매일 쓰는 영어표현 100가지 정리 (0) | 2021.05.12 |
The last thing I want 뭔가를 정말 원치 않을 때 (1) | 2021.05.04 |
Are you up for + 명사/동사ing? (5) | 2021.05.03 |